DUDE!!! i've been waiting for ages for something like this
You’ll have to forgive the enthusiasm!
Icon: Memorizor
Banner: ScepterDPinoy
Age 24, he/they, cookiebunny
Joined on 6/23/15
DUDE!!! i've been waiting for ages for something like this
This is cool to see! You're doing all sorts of neat stuff.
Thank you for bringing this idea to life @Megacharlie !!!
Sounds awesome. Now I am probably hyped beyond reasonable reason because I've never actually used Scratch myself, but remember some point when I was playing around with some particular Scratch submission and thinking how it'd be awesome if only this could be converted to a more easily distributable format and say find its way here to NG... and it seems like that'd finally be possible! Potential for a tonna good content by people who've until now possibly be somewhat distanced from these here Grounds to finally make its way here... so yeah this sounds awesome.
There are Scratch-based Newgrounds submissions already with standalone Scratch player tools, but this should hopefully give Scratch games tons more functionality!
I totally don't know enough about this to be speaking on it then huh! XD Maybe that one moment of portability-lacking regret was back when we only accepted Flash files... aaanyway still awesome!
Looking forward to the API integration bit in particular then! Nothing makes a game like medals.
y e s
Stuff like this exists? Time to use yet another thing for my Ultra Sans Fight.
Yeah, I actually have had some trouble with Scratch not being able to handle my massive yet tightly packed projects, it takes long loading, it sometimes has saving errors (as in not being able to save at all) when I import a sound effect, and the frames drop significantly. Would this be better or worse when converted?
Since it'll become a GameMaker game my hope is that it'll run without those issues - just a matter of emulating Scratch functions in GameMaker well.
@Dungeonation Another thing, I cheat a lot with the blocks.
Like using join(enter)and( ) into a key input
Putting blocks in a sprite that would be unavailable to the sprite normally;
(like making a pointtowards make the sprite's clones point towards the same sprite, which isn't available on the dropbox)
The relationship between clones and broadcasts. They both are my biggest concern.
Fun fact; broadcasts affect the clones, too.
Deletethisclone block would end the script, so I use a if 1 == 1 then delete this clone, it makes
the true sprite (the original non-clone) steer around that dead end. helps separate the clones
from the original without using costumes.
Nice knowing this! I use Scratch sometimes and I REALLY want all these features, but now they are all here! Very cool!
I love everything that this has, Scratch to GMS, the name holy shit "Graze". This is so poggers of you!
How is this possible!?
Scratch project reverse engineering
I'm still thinking about this. I don't even have gamemaker, but this idea is so cool. I want to redesign the GRAZE logo sometime.
It’s designed around the Scratch logo’s font but I’d be interested to see what you come up with
@CJspellsfish @Dungeonation I'm going to try to keep the scratch style, but make it different enough
i need one for clickteam fusion
This is a super cool project!
Also, Graze may be TOO clever of a name ;)