Good write up. You have a fun writing style also. Keep being you boo. That kinda rhymes hehe
You’ll have to forgive the enthusiasm!
Icon: Memorizor
Banner: ScepterDPinoy
Age 24, he/they, cookiebunny
Joined on 6/23/15
Good write up. You have a fun writing style also. Keep being you boo. That kinda rhymes hehe
You've had an awesome year on Newgrounds, Dungeon! I'm very fortunate to be a part of it! I saw the potential that PVBDX has from the get go, so I'm happy I've been a spark to keep it going! I know everyone is going to love it! You've been a huge asset to the gaming side of NG all year buddy and I have no doubt that you're going to flourish more in 2022! Here's to more success and happiness in the new year! Grateful for your friendship my dude!
this is a certified newgrugs classic
The interview was alot of fun!
I get the Yendor reference!
Congrats on UOTD my friend! Let's do something together in 2022 mmkay?
Heck yeah dude!
congrats on the UOTD! What's cooking for the flash forward jam?
Who knows, though I know I’m DEFINITELY playing everything from the jam this year!
Lmao I love the dry humour you sprinkle throughout these posts, it really does make it super entertaining to read.
In all seriousness, I haven't ever really thought about reflecting on the year's events going into a new year, but it makes a lot of sense. I think my personal affairs and adventures are probably much less diverse than yours though (at least right now), so if I did this myself I'd pretty much just be repeating what you said since I wouldn't have much to say except all the AtT-focused stuff you already mentioned.
Ultimately I can't wait to see what the future holds! I think 2022 is gonna be a fun year. I should hope so at least, haha