Hey, I managed to get your card after buying that one deck!
You’ll have to forgive the enthusiasm!
Icon: Memorizor
Banner: ScepterDPinoy
Age 24, he/they, cookiebunny
Joined on 6/23/15
Hey, I managed to get your card after buying that one deck!
This looks awesome! Hope everyone had a blast!
It was so great to see you again! <3
I'm glad you loved the Build a Bear! Also, I love contributing to your funny mouse game! Reminding me to write my own post about the meet too now! :D
It was great meeting you, and I’m glad you liked the pins! :)))
It was so wonderful meeting you, you're so incredibly kind and I hope you know how appreciated you are! Very happy you got a nice photo of us <3
Looks fun! Also I just realized something
My icon was by @ScepterDpinoy, and your banner is by scepter as well! How funny!
This is Smug, AKA SmugerryARugerry! I wanna shoutout @raviolibox and @linethickness for suggesting and continuing the pushups respectively! If it wasn't for them, this whole thing wouldn't have started at all!
It was a blast playing your game! I can't wait till the whole release is out! and dont forget about that VA work