Just take some small steps man,
Breathe in ‘n’ out
Organise your plans
Understand and adjust yourself about what you need to do and you’ll be fine lad!
You’ll have to forgive the enthusiasm!
Icon: Memorizor
Banner: ScepterDPinoy
Age 24, he/they, cookiebunny
Joined on 6/23/15
Just take some small steps man,
Breathe in ‘n’ out
Organise your plans
Understand and adjust yourself about what you need to do and you’ll be fine lad!
Its okay, don't give up.
I believe on you!
Everyone loves you >w<
I shall CONTINUE FORTH! Thanks ElRandom!
Ayyy Dungeonation, YOU GOT THIS!!!
Aww yeahhh, thanks!
U can do It
Thanks Luisss!
@Dungeonation no problem, just call me Random or whatever you want!
(Do you want follow me? [I understand if not])
Point a (metaphorical) gun at it and threaten the game with it if it dossnt let you finish (idk what im wrighting lol).
I hope it won’t have to come to that!
You are awesome!
I know what that's like, I have a bunch of unfinished flash games. Just keep at it!
I can't program a game either, but I know you can.
It’s easier than ever to make games in this day and age though!
get an egg timer and just do a little bit of programming a day
I wanted to try pomodoro!
dunge dunge
Health conditions are serious business, but I understand if talking about it makes you feel uncomfortable. Just take care of yourself, alright?
Tell me about it, burnout REALLY sucks on the games you wanna make so badly.
I Belive in you, belive in youself! You can do it :D
I Created games, and i know how it
You're a lot farther along than most people who attempt gamedev. Power through it, man, you got this.
Projects are like always like: OOOhhh i taakkeee timmmeee ooooo
I coulda told you that x.x
@Dungeonation You just did but with longer text and awesome teasers! ( i 100% the first game by the waywlrwejklsrjf)
I just noticed you did, well done! Happy you’re hype for the next game it sounds like, I can’t wait to finish it
Cookie Bunny is a phenomenal character with a lot of potential to be in many different animations, it'd be great to see a 'day in the life' style comedy one.
Happy Holidays :)
I feel ya, man!