Dunk this fool in the milk pool.
Icon by Memorizor, Banner by ScepterDPinoy!

Age 24, Cookie Bunny

Joined on 6/23/15

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I wanna finish my gaaaaame! >:(

Posted by Dungeonation - 3 weeks ago


Every day I try to get at least one thing done on Randy 2 even if it’s small. I'm officially at the point in the project where I'm just ready to be finished with it, not because I don't enjoy working on it, but because it's been cookin' so long I don' want it to burn!

I miss putting out / contributing to handfuls of small projects each year, and I'm startin' to get antsy and impatient about people finally diving into this thing. Not to mention I'm probably hypin' the project up too much in my head! The first Randy game definitely had a good reception and this game is gonna be bigger and better than that one for sure, but it's just...gonna get the reception it's gonna get and that's all there is to it!


(Artists featured in this GIF: @Memorizor, @MisterMantid, @NamedudeDev)

I had said at the start of the year that I wanted to finish the game by the end of this year, and that time frame is STARTING to sound like a crunch...and crunch is bad! A famous video game man said that once.

I also have to remind myself that while, yes, it's possible to make a game of this scope in less time than it's taken me so far, I AM trying to make (in my free time!) an art-intensive, fully voice acted point n' click that would likely take 2-3 hours to play through to all the endings blind, in one sitting.

Soooo I dunno when the game will come out. I don' wanna spend too much longer on it tho! I'd say the progress on finishing the first ending (without polish and everything put in) would be...let's split the game up into 5 game "sections" to get to that ending - there's about 2 sections left to finish!

It'll be SUPER motivating to have the game playable from start to finish once that ending's done, which is my primary goal at the moment.


I'll also use this newspost to once again thank everyone who's contributed to this project so far, to thank people for the feedback I've gotten along the way (including one friend who said "that's bullshit, you should change that" to something while playtesting, which I did), and to thank the musicians who've let me use their songs in the game AND who have made music just FOR this game! (@TeraVex and @Dieswyx!! <3)


Everyone involved has been makin' the DREAM WORK, as I've had to deal with life stuff and a (non-life threatening) health condition that's slowly gotten worse (that I still haven't gotten a handle on yet) while chipping away at this. I've touched on the latter in the past on NG but kinda omitted details later on so as to not overshare publicly, but I will say being on the spectrum elevates it for me preeeetty badly. Cooool stuff! But anyway. Workin' on this through all that fog and busyness will just make finishing it all that more sweeter!

Thank you for readin' all this mess! Can't wait for y'all to PLAY VIDEO GAME...NOT TOO FAR IN THE FUTURE.


(NPC designed by @PinkTopHat)




I feel ya, man!

Just take some small steps man,
Breathe in ‘n’ out
Organise your plans
Understand and adjust yourself about what you need to do and you’ll be fine lad!

Its okay, don't give up.
I believe on you!

Everyone loves you >w<

I shall CONTINUE FORTH! Thanks ElRandom!

Ayyy Dungeonation, YOU GOT THIS!!!

Aww yeahhh, thanks!

U can do It

Thanks Luisss!

@Dungeonation no problem, just call me Random or whatever you want!
(Do you want follow me? [I understand if not])

Point a (metaphorical) gun at it and threaten the game with it if it dossnt let you finish (idk what im wrighting lol).

I hope it won’t have to come to that!

You are awesome!

I know what that's like, I have a bunch of unfinished flash games. Just keep at it!

I can't program a game either, but I know you can.

It’s easier than ever to make games in this day and age though!


get an egg timer and just do a little bit of programming a day

I wanted to try pomodoro!

dunge dunge

Health conditions are serious business, but I understand if talking about it makes you feel uncomfortable. Just take care of yourself, alright?

Tell me about it, burnout REALLY sucks on the games you wanna make so badly.

I Belive in you, belive in youself! You can do it :D
I Created games, and i know how it

You're a lot farther along than most people who attempt gamedev. Power through it, man, you got this.